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ABC do Sertão


DVD in tribute to Luiz Gonzaga's centenary, interpretations of six of his songs with beautiful animations designed for children.

Folias do Lago

An album commemorating the centenary of Mário Lago's birth, it featured special guest appearances by Ney Matogrosso, Áurea Martins, Roberta Sá, Luíza Dyonísio, Moyseis Marques, Alfredo Del Penho and others, and was coordinated by Paulão 7 Cordas. 


Sabe lá o que é isso


The first CD released by Cordão do Boitatá featured a series of original compositions, combining tradition and modernity and showing the group's immersion in Brazilian musical culture. Highly acclaimed by music critics, the album featured the participation of names such as D. Ivone Lara and Xangô da Mangueira. 

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