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Intangible Cultural Heritage of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Intangible Cultural Heritage of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Award granted in 2022 by Alerj, Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro. According to Law 6459/2013, which deals with the subject, cultural assets of an intangible nature that express and portray the identity, action, and memory of the different groups that make up Rio de Janeiro society constitute the State's Intangible Cultural Heritage, be they forms of expression, ways of creating, doing and living, artistic, scientific and technological creations, folklore, traditional knowledge and sport and its playful manifestations incorporated into Rio de Janeiro's traditions.

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Medal of the Order of Carioca Cultural Merit

In 2022, Cordão do Boitatá received the municipality's highest award, granted to personalities, organizations, cultural collectives, and public or private institutions in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro that are distinguished for their relevant contribution for culture. 

The Medal is an Rio de Janeiro City Hall and the City's Department of Culture award.

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Pedro Ernesto Merit Medal 2021

In 2021, Cordão do Boitatá awarded the Pedro Ernesto Medal, the highest commendation granted by the Rio de Janeiro City Council and mainly honor that the city of Rio de Janeiro pays to those who stand out the most in Brazilian or international society.

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Pedro Ernesto Merit Medal 2021
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Serpentina de Ouro Award

In 2014, Cordão do Boitatá was considered the best bloco of Rio's street carnival in an award given by the O Globo newspaper, which annually recognizes the group that stood out most in its presence on Rio de Janeiro's streets.

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