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Carnival is revelry, economic, and social impact!

According to a study carried out by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, the Cordão do Boitatá Multicultural Ball generated an overall economic impact of 28.61 million reais in 2018, creating more than 700 direct and indirect jobs and generating 1.16 million reais in federal, state, and municipal taxes.

Cordão do Boitatá Certificado Impacto Econômico
Cordão do Boitatá Impacto Econômico

Zero waste and freedom!​

In 2018, 2019, and 2020, Cordão do Boitatá, in an innovative move, launched the Carnival of Utopia campaigns and two consecutive editions of the Carnival of Freedom, holding its parades and dances in Praça XV solely with the direct collaboration of its revelers, without any public funding or funding from private companies. More than a shout for independence but also a political affirmation of collective action so thought of another possible collaborative and participatory economy. 

In 2020, together with MUDA Outras Economias and Juventude Lixo Zero, and in partnership with recyclable material collectors, collection companies, independent street vendors, and various organizations, Cordão do Boitatá developed actions to reduce waste and minimize the impact of the amount of garbage produced by the party.   

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Cordão do Boitatá - 100% da meta!
Campanha 2023 Cordão do Boitatá

"Heroes of Freedom" social project with teenagers from Morro da Serrinha

Cordão do Boitatá's action aimed at strengthening a group of young musicians who are members of the Mulecada que Agita group, created by Mestre Quininho, residents of Morro da Serrinha in Madureira, the cradle of samba, jongo, and the traditional Império Serrano samba school.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the action enabled these young people, who are also members of the Cordão do Boitatá Street Orchestra, to produce music at home, research, interviews, virtual musical meetings, classes, and other activities linked to the cultural universe of Serrinha. 

Pastoral da Matriz with children from the Santa Marta Community, recognized as intangible heritage by the State Secretariat of Culture

In June 2011, at an event at the Municipal Theater in Rio de Janeiro, the Rio de Janeiro State Government awarded Pastoral da Matriz the Rio de Janeiro State Culture Prize in the Folklore Festivities category.

The annual festival, under the musical direction of Kiko Horta, began in 1976 and brings together children from the Dona Marta community in Botafogo.

Pastoril da Matriz Jornal do Brasil estreito.png

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